CocoaConf slides and project

CocoaConf in Columbus was a great conference packed into two full days. The shorter length made it easier to fit into my schedule, but the downside was the limited amount of time I had to talk with other developers.

My talks on “TDD in the iOS World” went reasonably well. Better than I hoped in some ways, not as good as I wanted in others. Thanks to all who came, and took the time to write some comments!

I got some good feedback from the the session evaluations. If I were to do it over again, among other things, I would:

  • Be clearer about the session content,
  • Shorten the overview of TDD, I think 10-15 minutes would have been a better fit for the audience,
  • Do the code portion directly in Xcode, do more code examples live.

btw, when you go to conferences, it is very helpful when you write comments about specific things, good or bad. General ratings are nice, but even a single specific comment is greatly appreciated.

I did not upload my project files and slides to the CocoaConf site until Saturday evening, so they did not make it into the bundle (yet). I’m sure they will be available at soon, but for now, here they are:

I am looking forward to seeing CocoaConf in Columbus next year.

Thanks to all the Klein crew, speakers, and participants!