My original 90 day project plan has faded without completely failing or succeeding. I don’t know if I will do any more 90days posts before 360iDev or not, but I know I will be able to spend more time each day between now and the conference focusing on iPhone development.
Since I set my own goals, I get to define success — so I’m declaring success for my 90 day project, regardless of the details. 🙂
My general goal was to spend steady and regular time working on my skill set, knowledge, and comfort level with the tools.
- I am very comfortable with the tool set, and most sessions I get into the “flow” fairly quickly.
- I am pleased with my knowledge and understanding of key APIs, and look forward to expanding that over the coming weeks.
- I wish I could have spent more time on app development, but I am reasonably happy with what I was able to do.
- I am definitely learning what it takes to carve out time regardless of other projects.
I am disappointed that I do not have an app ready for the app store. A combination of things kept me from getting close on my initial idea, and the app I am pursuing now languished for almost two weeks with no activity. I have been working to get ahead of the game on other commitments so I could focus more time on iPhone work in general and my app in particular.
I am very pleased that I lined up some contract work for iPhone development this past week. Some of my non-iPhone work commitments are coming to a close, so I can be more aggressive in pursing iPhone contract work in the coming weeks.
I am really getting fired up about the 360iDev conference, only 10 days away!
- I don’t know how well I will “perform” at this year’s GameJam, but I have high hopes.
- I am completely immersing myself in iPhone/iPad development by spending the following weekend at iPadDevCamp, I hope to be able to pass some new threshold of comfort and flow with the tools and APIs before it’s over.
- My lofty goal is to have the solid core of an app working after the 9 day trip.
I do know I will be renewing old friendships, making new ones, and exploring new opportunities while in San Jose.